Some of you have asked what measures will be implemented when the center reopens. Below is an expanded explanation as to how our policies and procedures will change upon reopening.
We will only be open for eight hours a day (8:00 am – 4:00 pm) to accommodate the reduced child/staff ratios and after-hours center disaffecting.
No more than 10 children in any building with up to 2 staff members.
Families will be given a contract for 6 weeks and must agree to pay the full tuition for those 6 weeks/5 days regardless of attendance. The cost for care during this time will be $240.00 a week for five, 8 hr. days.
Children may be in a mixed-age classroom to accommodate ratios.
Siblings must be in the same classroom together.
Children might not be assigned to their previous classrooms or their current teacher.
Sign in and out Process
Parents will sign their children in/out at in front of the main entrance gate. Parents will not be allowed into the yard and/or buildings.
Facial covers should be in place before exiting your vehicle. Please bring your own pen to sign your child in and out. A staff member will escort your child to/from the classrooms.
We require that you notify us if anyone in your household is currently or becoming sick. It is imperative to be honest with us about any fever-reducing medications your child may have taken. We will also be looking for coughs, runny noses, and other signs of illness to safeguard other children and our staff members.
The Children's Center staff will be held to the same screening policy procedures.
The policies are in place to help stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus and recommended by the Los Angeles County Health Department (LACHD).
Classroom policies
Classroom size has been defined by LACHD as a group of children no larger than 10 that remain together. The mixing of children from different classrooms is prohibited. Once assigned to a classroom, that is where the child must stay for the remainder of the contract.
Classroom equipment/furniture will be rearranged in the classroom to create social distancing areas and the children will be reminded of social distancing rules. To the best of our ability we will keep children apart.
Each group of children/classroom will be assigned their own bathroom and play yard.
Rooms and equipment will be continuously cleaned by staff during the day and disinfected before and after school hours. We will have regularly scheduled handwashing throughout the day.
Napping children will be placed 6 feet apart in their classroom.
Staff will be wearing a cloth face-covering throughout the day.
Children 2-5 years of age may wear face coverings while under the supervision of staff. Parents must supply the face covering.
Children need to bring their own personal belongings each day in a bag, backpack, or other containers.
Children will need to bring their own lunch. We will provide a.m. and p.m. snacks.
Children need to bring their own labeled reusable water bottle.
There may be other regulations or policies the Children’s Center Committee deems necessary for the health and safety of the children, parents, and staff, therefore our policies and procedures may be subject to change.
Thank you and be well,
Blanca Eliassen
Blanca Eliassen
Director, LCUMCC